Screech Owl

Otus asio

Cheshire Screech

This whimsical wooden sculpture captures the expression of a nocturnal predator caught in a sudden burst of sunlight. The life-sized carving is of tupelo, painted with acrylics. The base is carved of cherry and manzanita. It is available for purchase.

Treed Screech

This beautiful little life-sized rendition depicts the surprise of a gray-phase North American Eastern Screech Owl as it is discovered in the day-light. The normally nocturnally secretive hunter peers around the tree to see who has entered its domain.

The tree and owl are carved of tupelo and painted with mixed media. It is in a private collection.

Red Phase Screech Owl on Book

Screech owls are either in red or gray phase. This phase is not based on age, sex, or season. They are found in deciduous forests of north America.

This whimsical piece infers the capabilities of this breed as rodent exterminators. The bird is of tupelo, the base is redwood, and the book is of basswood. It is in a private collection.

Screech Owl in Pine Tree

The Eastern gray morph screech owl is a frequent woodland hunter. The camouflage of its markings blends remarkably well with many tree barks.

The full-sized bird is of tupelo, the pine needles are copper wire, the tree is tupelo and pine and the base is walnut. It is in a private collection.

Screech Owl

This screech owl is proud of its catch as it perches atop a mossy tree root. Owls are prolific mousers.

This life-sized piece is completely made of tupelo. It is in a private collection.


Saw-Whet Owl


Snowy Owl