American Woodcock

Scolopax minor


This delightful rendition is done from a single piece of tupelo. It has some of the most realistic detail work that I’ve done, and is painted in oils. It is in a private collection. It is life-sized.

American Woodcock Miniature

This delightful piece captures the beautiful camouflage of the little woodland denizen. It measures 3 1/2 by 4 inches.

This sculpture was carved from a single piece of tupelo. It is in a private collection.

American Woodcock

Largely found in the Eastern U.S., this chunky little woodland bird is a favorite of the game hunter. Its distinctive flight pattern makes it a challenge to bag.

This slightly larger-than-life piece was carved from a single block of tupelo and painted with acrylics. It is in a private collection.


Wild Turkey